Saturday, November 17, 2012

HOW TO: make your face more realistic with Hair Design

Hey dolls, today I'm going to give you some tips on how to make your medoll's face more realistic by using hair designs. This is how I do it, but of course there are more ways to do it. For example, check out this tutorial on youtube:

This is the difference between a face without hair design and with hairdesign:

Some prefer the clean version, I prefer the version with all my touch ups. When I try to make my face more realistic, I use make up first. Then I will add extra shadows and highlights with hair design. These are the things I'll add:

When you are in Hair Design, first add some highlights (lighter spots) in your face, this will create more dimension. The red dots on my medoll's face are the spots I will highlight. To do this, I use the round hairpiece, that looks like wool. [click on the images to enlarge them]

Change the color to white and make the hairpiece more transparent. Please note: the color of the highlights and the level of transparency are different for other skin tones.

Once you've added all the highlights to the face, you can start on the cheekbones. I use a different hairpiece and color for this:

Use the same hairpiece with the same color to create shadows on the side of your face, but make them more transparent:

To make shadows around your nose, use the round wool-looking hairpiece again. Use a darker color than before. Use it on both sides of your nose.

If you want to, you can add a red shade to your cheekbones.

You can also add extra shadow around the corners of your eyes.

When you've done all that, this is the result! It will cost around 17sd.

I hope you found this blog useful! If you do, please follow my blog. :)
Lots of love, Yente!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

JOBS on Stardoll

Hello dollies! A lot of you probably spend hours and hours on this amazing website that is called Stardoll. But what do you do on Stardoll for such a long time? Surely you're not continually dressing up celebs. There is so much more to Stardoll, so much more you can do. I noticed a lot of you have a kind of 'job'. You're actually spending a lot of time 'working' on things. And sometimes you're actually making stardollars. These jobs identify you as a stardoll. So what kind of stardoll are you? I will give 5 examples of jobs you can have on Stardoll. Perhaps if you're finding Stardoll a bit boring lately, maybe you should consider taking on such a job!

Of course, the designer. Probably my favourite one. Many stardolls spend a lot of time making designs. This job calls for talent and patience. If you're any good, you could start you're own bussiness. StarBazaar gives you the opportunity to sell your own designs, so basically you could start you're own store! As a designer you'll probably spend half of your time designing and the other half on promoting your designs. Sometimes in a cyber world with 200 million people, it's hard to get noticed. If you want people to notice you and especially your designs, you need to tell them about it! And if you're in luck, your design might be up for 'best design', then it's just a question of restocking as fast as you can. If your bussiness is rolling, you could earn so much stardollars! Just by selling your designs for a higher price than you bought it at, you make profit! Being a succesful designer can be amazing, but it takes a lot of hard work.

The collector collects items, mostly clothes. They know all about the rares and the most wanted. With a mileslong wishlist in their presentation, they search the whole stardoll world to find that one item. Most of them are an expert at getting something valuable for a cheap price. It's an easy way to earn stardollars, when they sell these valuable items for more then the buying price! But most of all it's the pleasure of simply owning the rare and showing it to the rest of the world. Collecting is fun, but it has its downsides. Beware of those nasty scammers! They are cruel. Check for trading references and when in doubt, always go first.

This 'job' might not earn you any money, but it does earn you respect and fame. The job is simply to socialize and just to be known. We all know that there are famous stardolls on Stardoll. These dolls have friends. Best friends. You could be one of them! Just socialize your way up and you'll easily get things. One of those things is a lot of votes! Don't you want to be a Covergirl?

You can find this job under the caption ''careers''. A stylingstudio costs 149. That is indeed a lot of money. You could earn this money back by styling lots of people! Once you've build up a big portfolio, you will get lots of clients! Of course it helps if you have an awesome sense of style. Nobody wants to spend their precious stardollars on a crappy outfit. You can get ideas from the current topstylists.

Yay! That's what I do! Now and then. If you like to write and enjoy making graphics, this is the job for you. It doesn't earn you any money, but having people read your blog and complimenting you on it is awesome. You simply make an account on blogspot or another blog site and do your thing. Even more awesome is probably being an official Starblogger! Writing for Stardoll is my dream.

Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed it! Don't forget to follow/subscribe/whatever.
xx Yente

Sunday, October 07, 2012

SUPER CREATIVE with Hair Design

The level of creativity on Stardoll has gone to a whole other level! The most talented Stardoll designers are now creating a whole new body with Hair Design. Don't know what I'm talking about? Check out the pictures:






Let me know if you've seen some more or know how to do it yourself!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Hello there reader, I really want to share with you this sort of horror scene I discovered on Stardoll. These stardolls are true artists! Their medolls and suites are scary, but intriguing. Really fun to check out when you're bored on Stardoll. Here are some examples:

1. Alhane

I first wanted to post these in another ''AMAZING SUITES ON STARDOLL'' but I changed my mind since there is so much more to these stardolls than just their suites. Also check out the presentations, they have some amazing pictures and stories!


One of my favorites:

It's not just ''horror'', it's magical! 

2. madammouse3


Don't forget to follow :)

xx Yente

Monday, June 04, 2012


Hello lovies! One of my favorite things to do on Stardoll is just to look around and get inspired by amazing dolls and their suites. I have come across so many incredible suites that I just have to share this with you. So every so often I will show you some amazing suites I have discovered on Stardoll! I hope you enjoy.

NR. 1 --» rodja32
Longtime stardoller Rodja32 certainly knows how to take suite decorating to a whole other level. With her great talent for designing she knows how to turn a bunch of random furniture into a famous building or a boat. And it's absolutely mind blowing. A lot of her rooms are closed, but I bet she has lot more creative designs in store for us!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


 Hey Stardoll lovers! 

Today I want to talk to you about how to become a Covergirl. 
Let's face it, it's everybody's dream to become that girl on the homepage one day!
I haven't been International Covergirl (yet!), but I have been National Covergirl four times. So here are my tips on how to become a Covergirl. 

1. Make sure you're suite looks good, but especially that you look good. First impression is everything when it comes to this competition. Get inspiration from old Covergirls, but do not copy their outfits and suites. Nobody likes a copycat! And to be fair... It REALLY helps if you're a Superstar.

2. Start your campaign as soon as the (N)CG of that day is chosen. They only look at the votes from the past 24 hours, you want to use those hours well. These 24 hours start when a new (N)CG is chosen. 

3. Ok, start your campaign - get votes. There multiple ways to do this. One of the most effective and easiest ways is to broadcast.  Make sure to broadcast more when there are a lot of Stardollies online. You can base this on how many of your friends are on chat at the moment. Also make sure that you broadcast internationally! Downside of it is that it costs a lot of stardollars, but you will get a lot of votes in return!

4. When you don't have that many stardollars, you should ask people to vote for you. I know this has been dis-recommended by many, but you shouldn't listen to them. It works to comment in people's guestbooks, tell them that you voted for them and then ask if they want to vote back. My recommendation is NOT to write a superlong message about how it's always been your dream blablabla. Are you kidding? It's everybody's dream. Keep it simple, a ''5/5! Please vote back.'' is enough. Otherwise people get annoyed. Try to send the message to as many people as you can.

4.2. Don't go and write in stardolls' guestbooks at random though. You want to make sure that these people are online at that moment and won't vote for you a day too late. You also want to find people who are willing to make the effort to vote for someone. How do you find these people? Go check out the guestbooks of the current Covergirl and her runner-ups. Since they're popular, lots of people will write in their guestbook and give them votes. Go to those people who wrote a message to the Covergirl and give them your message. Works like a charm!

5. ''I get by with a little help from my friends!'' The Beatles were right! Ask your dearest Stardoll friends to support you. They can do this simply by putting your name in their presentation: ''Vote for [your stardollname]!'' This especially helps when your friends are popular on Stardoll. And if they're really nice, they might even spread the word for you. 

6. Don't waste your time by promoting yourself in comments underneath dressup dolls for example, this won't help you! Who ever looks at these?

7. If you live in a country in which a lot of people play Stardoll, it's harder to win National Covergirl (duh!). Just saying, if you live in the USA and you've won NCG, that's a very big achievement! Please note: Stardoll only crowns National Covergirls in those countries that have been most active voting for Covergirls within the last 24 hours.

8. A lot of the covergirls these days are either topbroadcasters or top-somethingelse. Popular designers or winners of the catwalk are very likely to end up in the Covergirl top 5. So yeah, achieving something else first is great way to become Covergirl... But you've got to have the talent for it. 

9. Sadly enough, I've now jumped to the conclusion that if you ever want to become Covergirl, you either need a lot of stardollars (broadcasting) or you have to be really good at something on Stardoll. BUT, National Covergirl is definitely in everybody's reach.

10. Last but not least, DON'T GIVE UP! If you didn't win because of that annoying girl who got slightly more votes, don't quit. Tomorrow might be your moment to shine. Sometimes it's just a matter of luck.

Did you find my tips useful? Did I miss anything? Write about it in a comment! I surely could use some more tips. ;)

Lots of love,

P.S. Don't forget to follow AproposStardoll!